
Icecreme Palace

  When summer approaches and the temperatures start going up, we really start craving homemade ice cream. That ice cream maker has been sitting in the cabinet for way too long, collecting dust, waiting for the opportunity to mix up some new and fun flavors. Well, it’s time to get churning again! Below we’ve got a collection of some amazing ice cream flavors. There’s even one for olive oil ice cream, which you absolutely MUST try to believe. It’s so delicious. The three of us here at A Food Lover’s Kitchen were debating which was our favorite. Angela chose the Peach Ice Cream because it reminds her of childhood. When making ice cream in an ice cream maker like the one above, there are just four steps. Mix up your recipe (no more than 4 cups total). It’s best when the mix is chilled before pouring into the machine. Take the pre-frozen bowl out and put it on the machine. Cover it with the plastic guard. Turn it on. Pour the mix into the bowl as it’s churning. Check it after 20 minutes. Ad